‘Star Pravah Parivar Puraskar 2021’ was aired on April 4, 2021, on the channel Star Plus. This award show is one of the most renowned in the Marathi television industry. The award show is carried out by Pushkar Shrotri Pushkar Shrotri is an Indian film actor and TV art >> Read More... and Kishori Ambiye Kishori Ambiye is a well known Marathi actress bor >> Read More... . The award show recognized the amazing serials that were brought up in the year. The show revolved around various genres, from dramas to comedies, and also enlightened the great storytelling in Marathi television. With the highest TVT (Television Viewership in Thousands) rating of 7.7 and a TVR (Television Rating Point) rating of 7.1, the show then gained popularity in the nick of time and support from the fans and viewers.
The award show was welcomed by a beautiful Bengali dance by Madhavi Nemkar and Samrudhi Kelkar, followed by many other musical and dance performances. The nominations rewarded various roles in the Marathi television industry. From ‘The Best Series Ever’ and ‘The Best Family’ awards to ‘Best Comedian Male’ and ‘Best Comedian Female’, the award show never missed an opportunity to acknowledge every actor, creator, and other artists who contributed to the success of Marathi television serials.
The winners of the Star Pravah Parivaar Puraskar Awards 2021 proved very excellent in their categories. The ceremony was then carried by a few dance performances, funny comedy skits, musical performances, and a few interviews with the viewers and audiences by the very lead actors and actresses, which made the award ceremony spark with joy and fulfillment. To know more about the award show ‘Star Pravah Parivaar Puraskar 2021’, watch it on Star Plus or Disney Plus Hotstar.