Vic the Viking and the Magic Sword is an amazing animated film that takes viewers on a thrilling journey of Vic, a young and clever Viking boy. This is a family-friendly film, which was directed by Éric Cazes & produced by Thorsten Wegener, Nadine Mombo, and Hans Ulrich Stoef (Studio 100 Animation). It is a touching story of friendship, bravery, and the strength of self-belief with its amazing characters, captivating storyline, and stunning animation. It is written by Sophie Decroisette, Éric Cazes, Frédéric Engel-Lenoir, Olivier Huzly.
This is the story of young Viking, Vic who dreams of the day when he will be allowed to join his father Halvar on his ocean adventures. He is a smart boy who believes in using his brain before using his axe. Vic has trouble convincing his dad and the rest of the village that he is ready to face the rough life at sea; however, everything changes when Halvar steals a magical sword that can change anything to gold. For once the sword's magic is unleashed and it proves uncontrollable, as it turns Vic's mother Ylva into a solid golden statue.
Star performance
All the amination team and voice artists did an amazing job in giving this out-of-the-box experience to the audience especially Declan Miele-Howell who voiced Vic and David Schaal who voiced Havar. Declan Miele-Howell is the one who brings confidence and cuteness at the same time to this character Vic through his impressive dialogue delivery, and David Schaal is the one who gives Havar its strict attitude and a strong Viking vibe through his excellent dialogue delivering and pitch managing skills.
This movie is based on the TV show of the same name 'Vic the Viking and the Magic Sword' and the Vicke Viking novels, teenage children are the target audience in particular. Young Viking Vic has a strained relationship with his father who considers him too small and weak to be a proper Viking. Despite this, Vic shows great courage with his quick-thinking ability to save the village, leading to his father eventually respecting him, which gives the message that a person's worth is down to their achievements. The movie shows brains over brute force by featuring Vic as confident and assertive. The movie has mild threat and cartoon violence that fits the Viking theme but remains suitable for young kids. Characters fight with axes, swords, and arrows, but no one is seriously injured and fights are also not very brutal. There are only three female characters in this movie and all of them show a stereotype thinking-a nagging wife, a nagging mother-in-law, and a young girl. The movie is set in Norse mythology and features gods like Loki and Thor.
What's There?
• This film has amazing animation that has created a vibrant and immersive world that captures the spirit of the Viking era with a unique touch of magic.
• The character designs are unique and memorable, with Vic's small but expressive features.
• The action sequences in the movie are expertly choreographed, with thrilling sword fights and magical battles that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
• The film's music by composer Eric Neveux enhances the overall experience, adding depth to the storytelling.
What's not There?
• Designing the characters is not that good from a movie point of view.
• All characters look too cute and humorous that why this movie lacks in providing some emotional and serious scenes to the audience.
'Vic the Viking and the Magic Sword' is an amazing and visually stunning animated film with gentle humor particularly targeting the teenage audience. Its well-developed characters, engaging plot, and valuable life lessons make it a perfect family movie. The animation is top-notch, with outstanding visuals that transport viewers to a charming Viking world. The music and soundtrack are totally out of the box which completely enhances the emotional impact of the storytelling.
Comedy, Animation
Eric Cazes
1 Hour 17 Minutes
Plot revolves around Comedy, Animation, etc.
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video