The Beguiled is an American war thriller film based on a novel named Painted Devil, directed by Sofia Coppola Sofia Coppola aka Sofia Carmina Coppola is an Amer >> Read More... , and produced by Youree Henley and Sofia Coppola, the cast has Colin Farrell Colin James Farrell is a famous Hollywood actor. H >> Read More... as Corporal John McBurney, who is from the Rival country from the war; Nicole Dunst plays Miss Martha Farnsworth, a teacher at the school; Kirsten Dunst She’s one the most glamorous actress and garnered >> Read More... plays Miss Edwina Morrow; Elle Fanning The Younger sister of actress Dakota Fanning, Elle >> Read More... plays Alicia; Oona Laurence Oona Laurence is an American child actor who is be >> Read More... as Amy; Angourie Rice plays Jane; Addison Riecke plays Marie; Emma Howard plays Emily; Wayne Pere as the captain; Matt story play as a confederate soldier; and Joel Albin as Cavalryman.
The story of this movie is from the American Civil War, from the eighteenth century. We see that a girl named Emily has come to pick mushrooms, she sees a man lying wounded there. He is John, a shoulder from the enemy country. Emily, being a kind-hearted girl, takes him to her school. There were very few girls in the school during that time as everyone else was at their house because of the ongoing war. When Emily reaches the school with John, the teacher opposes the idea of hiding and treating John, but seeing John injured, all the girls convince the teacher to help him. Miss Martha gets convinced on the condition that they will hand him over to the soldier the moment he fully recovers. All the girls were excited to see John getting treated, as it is a girl’s school, and they have not seen a man for years. When Miss Martha comes out, she scolds everyone and drives them away. She also warns them to stay away from John, as he is from an enemy country. As the story proceeds, we notice that Miss Martha hides John from the soldiers, and all the girls have started liking John. One day, when Martha was in John’s room to give him medicines, John thanks her sincerely, from John’s works we understand that he was trying to flirt with her but Martha did not even flinch. The moment was interrupted by Alicia, who came to John for personal reasons. But as Martha was already in the room, nothing happens and both got out of the room. The romantic fragment of John did not stop here, the rest of the movie revolves around how John plays with multiple girls there.
Star Performance
The cast delivered an average performance. The historical setting elements were just right and makes a strong statement about what war does to people. The movie could've been a lot better but the lousy direction and script made it hard to digest. But the film balances itself with beautiful cinematography and background music.Â
The Beguiled is about an injured soldier who is rescued by a little girl. During his recovery, he realizes the women are drawn to him. So, he decides to play a fast one on them, but tragedy strikes and John gets his leg cut off. Then he gets crazy and violent with the ladies; as they feel unsafe, they give him poisonous mushrooms, and he dies. The movie starts off interesting, but as it proceeds the pace becomes slow which may bore the audience. And the last part, where the women poison him was expected, and there was nothing thrilling about it. However, the girls chose violence at the end, but only when they felt terrified and threatened, and after having chosen nonviolence many times. Altogether, the film has an average story but an absurd and insignificant ending.Â
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
The costumes, set and cinematics were appealing but the monotonous and dry story brought down the excitement and liveliness. Overall, it is an average movie.
Drama, Western
Sofia Coppola
01 Hour 34 Minutes
Angourie Rice, Colin Farrell, Addison Riecke, Emma Howard, Joel Albin, Matt Story, Wayne Pere, Elle Fanning, Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Kidman, Oona Laurence
Christian Mazzalai, Deck D\'Arcy, Laurent Brancowitz, Phoenix, Thomas Mars
Plot revolves around Drama, Western, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Netflix
Sarah Flack
Albert Maltz, Sofia Coppola
Jennifer Dehghan
Stacey Battat
Anne Ross
Joseph Oberle