Isabela Moner (conceived July 10, 2001) is an American entertainer and artist. She assumed the lead job of CJ Martin on the popular Nickelodeon television series named- '100 Things to Do Before High School,' followed by the film job of Transformers: The Last Knight and Lizzy in Instant Family. Moner has expressed that Spanish was her first language, and she...
Eva Longoria, an American actress, producer, director, activist, businesswoman, and philanthropist, came into limelight when she won the title of Miss Corpus Christi. She gained her fame with the ABC series Desperate Housewives. Moreover, she has also written and published various books. Born as Eva Jacqueline Longoria to Ella Eva and Enrique Longoria Jr. she was raised as a Roman...
James is a famous film writer, director, and producer of English films. He became popular as a writer and director on the British-American satirical television series named, Da Ali G Show. He helped immensely for the creation of the roles named Bruno, Ali G, and Borat. He was the co-creator of the American television comedy series named, Flight of the...
Nicholas Stoller is a British director who is known for helming movies such as Neighbours series, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. He was born on 19 March 1976 in London. He was raised in Miami. His mother Phyllis worked as a tour operator whereas his father Eric worked in banking services. Raised Jewish, he attended high school at a boarding school named...
The screenplay writer and executive producer, Chris Gifford, was born on 3rd May 1959. Born and brought up in New York, USA, he pursued his primary education from the Browning School. He stepped up in the Hollywood film and television industry through the TV movie ‘The Great Space Coaster Supershow’ and the TV series ‘The Great Space Coaster.’ He played...
Eric Weiner is a prominent speaker and the bestselling author of The Geography of Bliss, Man Seeks God, The Geography of Genius, and The Socrates Express. Weiner's works have been translated into over 20 different languages. He is a former NPR international correspondent and the author of several travel-related and cultural stories. He worked for NPR in New Delhi, Jerusalem,...
The iconic British maestro is both a sound editor as well as a sound designer. His panache is evident from the fact that he has inhis kitty the prestigious Academy Award (Oscar) for Best sound editing for his work in Gravity, where he simulated the sounds found in space. A dedicated person, he spent numerous hours identifying and stimulating sounds...
Benicio Monserrateis Rafael del Toro Sanchez a 50 years old American actor, born at San German, Puerto Rico on 19th February 1967. His parents are Gustavo Adolfo Del Toro Bermudez and Fausta Genoveva Sanchez Rivera. Both of them were lawyers. Most of the persons of his family are involved in the legal system in Puerto Rico. His academics started with...
Danny Trejo is an Ethnic-American actor born on May 16, 1944, in Echo Park, California, USA. His father was a construction worker. He was a drug addict as a child, and a criminal, for which he was in and out of jail for 12 years from 1960-1972. While serving time at San Quentin, he won boxing titles. He successfully completed...
Ken Watanabe was born on 21st October 1959 in Niigata, Japan. He is a Japanese actor by profession and is well known for his tragic hero character in “The Last Samurai”. His mother is a house maker, and a school teacher, and his father is a calligraphy artist. His parents had numerous transfers, so Ken travelled to different places during...