“Janatha Garage” is the upcoming star-studded movie by Koratala Siva. Jr Ntr, “Mohanlal,” Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Nithya Menen, Unni Mukundan and “Devayani” play the leading roles in this family entertainer. Devi Sri Prasad composes the music. The team has planned to launch the audio in America as the producers are from the US. They have decided to launch the audio in New Jersey where there is a huge Telugu population. It is also heard that Devi Sri Prasad will be performing a live concert along with his team in the audio launch. If everything goes as per the schedule, the American Telugu community will enjoy the audio launch of Tarak’s movie. The film is slated for release in August. Stay tuned for further updates on Janatha Garage audio launch!