Banwari Lal Purohit has been dragged into the Aruppukottai Lecturer Nirmala Devi issue. GUV Purohit condemns the lecturer for misleading the students. He said that with the report given by the inquiry authority, Santhanam, action will be taken against the lecturer. The Governor said that he has the right to set up an inquiry commission. If the crime is confirmed, then strict action will be taken, said Purohit. The Santhanam Committee would submit the report in a week, said the GUV. The GUV also said that he hadn’t met the lecturer in his lifetime. None could meet me, without crossing the securities, said Banwarilal. Banwarilal said that without consulting him, the University had appointed a five-member committee. He also said that CBI inquiry is not necessary in this case. Banwarilal requested the people not to spread rumors about him, as he has got great grandchildren. Banwarilal says that the state government couldn’t interfere in the University matters.
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Banwari Lal Purohit has been dragged into the Aruppukottai Lecturer Nirmala Devi issue. GUV Purohit condemns the lecturer for misleading the students. He said that with the report given by the inquiry authority, Santhanam, action will be taken against the lecturer. The Governor said that he has the right to set up an inquiry commission. If the crime is confirmed, then strict action will be taken, said Purohit. The Santhanam Committee would submit the report in a week, said the GUV. The GUV also said that he hadn’t met the lecturer in his lifetime. None could meet me, without crossing the securities, said Banwarilal. Banwarilal said that without consulting him, the University had appointed a five-member committee. He also said that CBI inquiry is not necessary in this case. Banwarilal requested the people not to spread rumors about him, as he has got great grandchildren. Banwarilal says that the state government couldn’t interfere in the University matters.