Suriya Sivakumar comes with his vintage look and impresses the audiences in Thaanaa Serndha Koottam. The film directed by Vignesh Shivan is the remake of 2013 Bollywood film “Special 26” featuring Akshay Kumar in the lead role. The movie is set in the backdrop of 80s. Suriya’s chemistry with Keerthy Suresh is also laudable in the film. Ramya Krishnan, “Karthik Muthuraman, “Anandaraj,” Kalaiyarasan Harikrishnan, Nandha Durairaj and “Senthil” attract the people with their performances. As the screenplay by Vignesh Shivan is racy, the audiences might not feel bored. Although the film is released along with “Sketch” featuring Chiyaan Vikram, Taamannaah Bhatia and “Sriman, as it has a unique script, the film would surely withstand the competition. At present, Suriya has been working in his 36th film with “Selvaraghavan” and the film has Sai Pallavi as the female lead. Rakul Preet Singh plays a pivotal role. after wrapping up the film, Suriya will be seen in a film under “K V Anand.”