Dulquer Salmaan's latest selfie with Dileep with 'pazhampori' has become popular on Social media. Dulquer posted it on his Facebook page and it was shared by thousands of fans and the picture got more than one Lakh likes. To wish Dileep on his birthday, Dulquer posted that photo and he felt happy that it crossed a lakh like. This selfie was taken when Dileep visited Dulquer on his sets. Dulquer's best friend, actor Jacob Gregory is also seen in the photo with pazhampori in his hand. Dulquer is one among the few celebrities, who maintains a good relationship with their contemporaries. Rima Kallingal has also opened up in her recent interview about Dulquer's good nature. Dulquer's “Charlie” is waiting for its release.
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Dulquer Salmaan's latest selfie with Dileep with 'pazhampori' has become popular on Social media. Dulquer posted it on his Facebook page and it was shared by thousands of fans and the picture got more than one Lakh likes. To wish Dileep on his birthday, Dulquer posted that photo and he felt happy that it crossed a lakh like. This selfie was taken when Dileep visited Dulquer on his sets. Dulquer's best friend, actor Jacob Gregory is also seen in the photo with pazhampori in his hand. Dulquer is one among the few celebrities, who maintains a good relationship with their contemporaries. Rima Kallingal has also opened up in her recent interview about Dulquer's good nature. Dulquer's “Charlie” is waiting for its release.