Aparna Vinod is an upcoming actress in the Malayalam industry. She has just completed her role in the movie, “Kohinoor”. This movie has Asif Ali as the male lead. It is said that, Aparna has got a better role than the hero. She has performed well, says the Mollywood news. The controversial topic started in this movie is when, Asif Ali compulsorily made to delete certain scenes by Aparna, as she has excelled him in those scenes. Asif is the producer of this movie. During the shoot, he requested the director and the story writer to cut short the scenes of Aparna; but they both did not agree with Asif. As Asif’s friends are financing the movie, they forcibly took steps to delete some scenes in which Aparna’s performance was said to be extraordinary. The audio launch of this movie was held recently and 'Mammootty' was the chief guest. The audiences are in a confused state and they have a doubt that the statement by the actress might be intentionally given, to gain popularity for the film! A Tamil actress filed a similar complaint last week.