” is the dream project of the director Sharat Khadri, and the director has put serious efforts to bring the best output. Though his previous film, failed to collect enough funds, the director somehow managed to make his dream come true. Sharat got sufficient funds for the movie, from various people. He says he posted in his Facebook about crowd funding, a couple of years back. His post got a good response and funds started to flow in his account. He also says, many NRIs and non-Kannadigas, who watched his debut movie got impressed and assured him that they will help him. Sharat says the first check in the crowd funding was Rs. 20,000. Nearly 20 people were on board to help Sharat in making this film. He proudly says that though he didn’t share the story with those investors, they believed him and showered the money. Hope, Mareyalaare is the joint venture of so many people, who trusted Sharat Khadri. Let the film hit the theatres and create records!