“Mardaani 2” is an action thriller entertainer scripted and directed by Gopi Puthran. The movie is produced by Aditya Chopra under the banner Yash Raj Films. It is the sequel to the hit film “Mardaani,” a hit film, which released in 2014. Mardaani 2 has the star cast of Rani Mukerji, Vishal Jethwa, Vikram Singh Chauhan, Shruti Bapna, Rajesh Sharma and Deepika Amin. The music composition is by John Stewart Eduri. Jishnu Bhattacharjee cranks the camera and Monisha Baldawa edits the movie.
The latest information is that the shooting has been completed and the movie is getting ready for the release and it will hit the screens on 13th December 2019. Stay with us for more updates!