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Madhuri Speaks About Women’s Day!

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
Madhuri Speaks About Women’s Day!
Bollywood dream girl Madhuri Dixit Madhuri Dixit is not just known as the also a smil >> Read More... says, the women’s day will become important when the women get choices in their life. She explains, "To me, the definition of freedom is to have choices. A woman should have the right to choose every aspect of her life. She should not be discriminated being a woman and should get every opportunity to flourish as a human being. Change is very much needed. I believe today awareness is there, and everybody is trying to make an effort to change the views towards many things, and even about women. Education is also very important. When more people become educated, things will turn out to be better automatically.” Yes, Madhuri, Education is much more important for women, to get a definite destination!