Vilas Ujawne is an Indian television actor. He is mostly seen in Marathi movies. His movie was “Yere Yere Paisa” released in 2012, which is a Marathi musical play. The play is about a fun-loving family. The show caters to various age groups.
“Marmabandh (Bonds of Heart)” is another Marathi movie he is in. The movie is set in Goa. It juxtaposes the real life and the artistic urge. His recent Marathi movie includes “
” in 2014. He plays the role of Partap Rao. The movie is about three best friends-Bhau, Manya and Tavlya who are the soul of a locality Gunaji Chawl. The trio’s life takes an unusual turn. This is depicted in the movie.
Vilas Ujawne has also appeared in Hindi films. “Paagalpan”, released in 2001 is among them. The movie is a dramatic love story. Dr. Ujawne plays the role of Arun Pinto. The other movie he has starred in is “In The Name Of Tai” in 2012. The film is based on a female. She is known as Tai. She suffers from major sexual and psychological troubles. Dr. Vilas Ujawne plays the role of Vilas, the Minister in this movie.
Thus, Dr. Vilas Ujawne has shown his acting skills in both Hindi and Marathi movies.