Mrunal Jain is a prominent Bollywood film and TV actor in India. He lives in Mumbai along with her wife, Santosh Jain. They got married on July 13, 2013 in Mumbai in a conventional Marwari ceremony. He was debuted in the Balaji Telefilms’ epic series, Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki as Krishna on 9X TV in 2008. Later, he appeared in the soap, Bandini on NDTV Imagine. This is another serial from Balaji Telefilms where he bagged the role of Hiten Dharamraj Mahiyavanshi, son of Dharamraj (played by
Ronit Roy
) and Subhadra. In 2011, he played the role of Abhinav, the husband of the protagonist in the show, Looteri Dulhen/Billo Singh (played by
Krishna Gokani
Supriya Kumari
) on NDTV Imagine. From 2011 to 2012, he was roped in to play the character of Sameer on Zee TV’s
Hitler Didi
. He is also doing the popular serial, Uttaran on Colors TV. This is where Mrunal got his popularity when he appeared in a negative shade. In 2013, he played the lead role in Life OK’s Devki.
He was born on January 9, 1985. Mrunal started his acting career eight years ago, but he contemplates himself as a very simple person who loves to be optimistic. He is always happy and contented to everything he has. He wanted to achieve things by his own. He doesn’t like to party, smoke or neither drinks. Mrunal is a type of person who would like to spend a simple and quiet time with someone on a nice restaurant. He is also fond of reading books, playing sports and going to the gym. He dreams of designing his very own car. At first, he is into modeling but later shifted to his father’s textile business. Then he got the chance to work as an actor and since then, his passion for acting grew. It is also his mother’s dream to see him in commercial ads. Before he officially entered the acting industry, he was a finalist in Gladrags in 2007. He also attended professional acting course and did several ramp shows. As of now, he has done several advertisements for products like Fleet Management, Dabur Vatika, Mahindra Maximmo and a lot more.
Mrunal is also a talented photographer and he is planning to take a photography course abroad when he had a chance. He usually brings his camera on the set of Uttaran and clicked on his co-actors and actresses. He was also debuted as a film actor in the bilingual crime film, Satya 2 by
Ram Gopal Varma
. He played as a undercover police officer in the film.