Dinker Jani is a legendary director and producer, who’s responsible for the creation of Shaktimaan, the mega blockbuster TV serial broadcasted on Doordarshan from 1997. Dinker first came up with this idea of creating Shaktimaan with the legendary actor himself, Mukhesh Khanna. Dinker and Mukesh were long time friends, and once Dinker went on the set of a movie to watch his buddy Mukesh act, the movie was an action flick where Mukesh had some action scenes and some scenes where he would have to jump from one roof to another.
Thats when Dinker first proposed the idea of a superhero TV serial which they both explored. Later in 1997, Dinker and Mukesh created Shaktimaan, the show was loosely based on the story of Superman, how Clark Kent is a regular office going employee and secretly he is Superman. That’s how they created the character of Gangadhar, who later changes into his alter ego to fight bad guys and villains.
Similarly how Clark Kent used to work for a news organisation, Dinker wrote the part where Gangadhar would write for a newspaper organisation too. On the show, Dinker wrote some of the most amazing and scary villains, like Tamraj Kilvish, Dr. Jackal, Kakodar and Khali Bali. Dinker directed over 500 episodes, from 1997 to 2005. Making it one of the longest running TV serials in Indian history, garnering millions of viewers along the way too. In 2002, Mukesh and Dinker teamed up once again to bring another fantasy TV serial, Aaryaman Brahmand Ka Yodha, Mukesh was once again cast as the lead actor known as Aaryaman, and Dinker did not have much to do with this serial, as he only helped in writing the premise of the show and he directed the pilot episode of the show.
This show was loosely based on Star Wars Star Wars is a show of Mastiii, India’s most popul >> Read More... and Star Trek Click to look into! >> Read More... , where Aaryaman helps the people of his galaxy be liberated by an evil empire. This show massively failed to recapture the stardom and recognition that Dinker had won with Shaktimaan. In 2011, Dinker wrote another Shaktimaan based show called Shaktimaan The Greatest Cyber Yogi Hero, this was an animated show which served as a sequel to the classic Shaktimaan series. Apart from Shaktimaan, Dinker has also produced and written many other small time mini series on Doordarshan Channel and even some games shows, infomercials and commercials.