Home Costume Stylist Hindi

Hindi Costume Stylist


Suman Ranganathan Hindi Movie Actress
Born: 26 June 1974

Age Now 50

Suman Ranganathan - (Movie Actress)

Sumitra Iyer Hindi Singer
Born: 26 June 1987

Age Now 37

Sumitra Iyer - (Singer)

Arjun Kapoor Hindi Movie Actor
Born: 26 June 1985

Age Now 39

Arjun Kapoor - (Movie Actor)

Jawed Habib Hindi Hair Stylist
Born: 26 June 1963

Age Now 61

Jawed Habib - (Hair Stylist)

Dharmendra Pradhan Hindi Politician
Born: 26 June 1969

Age Now 55

Dharmendra Pradhan - (Politician)


A costume stylist is somebody who selects covering and accessories

A costume stylist is somebody who selects covering and accessories for fashion advertisements or editorials. There square measure many various sorts of potential shoppers for a stylist. for instance, a celeb could rent a stylist to decorate them for a red carpet event or for his or her personal life. the duty description varies wide as some stylists work on exclusive comes like music videos, acting as a fancy dress designer to make one in all a sort appearance for the star.

They work for people, fashion homes and covering brands. Their main responsibilities embrace providing fashion advice; selecting and coordinative outfits for models in icon shoots or actors in tv and film, and selecting props and accessories and getting ready them for shoots. They help in keeping up to now with current and ever-changing trends in fashion and style, advising purchasers on fashion styling for visuals, selecting the foremost applicable items from collections and ranges for the shoot, getting props for shoots.