Harsh Paresh Somiya is a TV serial artist from the country of India. People know him best for his job in the TV program named Golu Ke Goggles ‘Golu Ke Goggles’ was an extremely popular adventu >> Read More... . Golu Ke Goggles is a Television show made in the Hindi language. It aired on the channel named Star Plus. The name of the show hints us that it is about a young boy named Golu. He is about 12 years of age. He comes from a place which is present at a high altitude. Like many children growing up, he does not mix very well with people around him. He is an introvert and down-to-earth by behavior. It is because of these attributes that he goes about his life well. He also acquires some extraordinary force owing to his good and calm nature. Once while dealing with regular ambulation of life, he stumbles upon on a pair of magical glasses. These goggles provide him wisdom. They make him see things in a newer perspective. He also gains maturity of choice and decision. The glasses make him more responsible and thus help him a lot with daily life.
The show goes on with his adventures and realizations due to the goggles. It is a very fun and entertaining show. Harsh Paresh Somiya plays the role of a boy named Aakash in the TV program. Individuals named Shah Jahan, and Sunil Chaurasia are the directors of Golu Ke Goggles. Child artist Karan Atri Karan Atri is a child actor who is famous for his >> Read More... plays the lead part of the character with the name of Golu. He is the male protagonist of Goluke Goggles. Vaishneeve Rao plays the part of the female lead in the form of a girl named Renee.
Other actors who have contributed to this show include Abhishek Shah Abhishek Shah is an actor, writer, director, and p >> Read More... as Rohan and Krishnan Iyer as Yogi. Krishnan Savjani and cute child artist Khushali Bansali were also a part of this show. Krishnan Savjani plays the role of Amit, while Khushali Bansali plays the role of Ira, Reene’s younger sibling. Grushma Kapoor and Bikramjit Singh Bhullar are the talented producers of the show. Golu Ke Goggles ran for one season only. The period of each episode is approximately twenty-two minutes. India Production House was the production company under whose banner Golu Ke Goggles got made. The public viewed it on TV on the 24th of November and ran successfully for another year. Harsh Paresh Somiya has worked on only this project till date. However, it took only one serial for him to showcase his acting abilities.