Varun Shashi Rao, popularly known as the “Cadbury boy,” is an Indian model and actor. Varun Shashi Rao is a famous face for the television audience, as he has done more than a hundred television commercials. Varun Shashi Rao was born in Karnataka, India but grew up in different parts of the country as his father worked in a Government bank and was quite frequently got transferred. He has a brother named Shashank Rao. Because of his family’s frequent shifting, Varun Shashi Rao studied in multiple schools, including The Frank Anthony Public School in Delhi, St. Mary’s High School in Belgaum, Seventh Day Adventist School in Bangalore, and Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools in Baroda, Mysore, and Udhampur.
Despite the frequent changes in schools, Varun Shashi Rao performed well in his studies and grabbed good marks in his higher secondary board examinations. Later, he attended the CMR Institute of Technology in Bangalore and graduated with his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science major. He got introduced to modeling by then. After his graduation, Varun Shashi Rao worked in a multinational company. But after two months, he realized the job is not meant for him, and acting was his true calling. With the desire to achieve big in movies, Varun Shashi Rao moved to Chennai in 2010 as the Tamil film industry fascinated him. He assisted for a film in Tamil and even got the chance to play a brief role in the picture. But then, people typecast him as NRI son-in-law or Settu Paiyan for his looks.
Unwilling to be categorized, Varun Shashi Rao left for Mumbai and started his career. Over the last six or more years, he did over a hundred advertisements, the popular one being the Cadbury dairy milk in 2011. Some other famous ones include Moov, LG Refrigerator, Bru, Ariel India, Saffola Honey, Pepsodent, and more. He also runs an advertisement production company name Alam Ara Films. After years of working in commercials, Varun Shashi Rao debuted in the film industry in 2019 with the film Bala as Rohan Joshi Rohan Joshi is an Indian comedian known for being >> Read More... . We also seen him in a prominent role in the Tamil and Kannada remake of Queen movie as Paris Paris Click to look into! >> Read More... , and Butterfly.
His other works are the music video Darmiyaan and the YouTube series Like a Boss. In March 2019, Varun Shashi Rao got married to the love of his life Baharan. He is also a voracious reader and a professional cricketer. He played for The Karnataka Cricket Association and won many tournaments. Varun Shashi Rao took part in the CCL and played for Karnataka Bulldozers.