Here are the celebrities born on 15th November 1917! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Karan Dewan
Lived For 89 Years
Datta Davjekar - (Music Composer)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 53
A Karunakaran - (Director)
Age Now 38
Aadi Adeal Amjad - (Actor)
Abeer Qureshi - (Actress)
Age Now 29
Actress Varsha - (Actress)
Actress-Varsha - (Movie Actress)
Adan Rocha - (Actor)
Age Now 34
Aileena Catherin Amon - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 71
Ajoy Chakrabarty - (Singer)
Akshat Tejas - (VFX Compositor)
Age Now 84
Alleppey Vincent - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 42
Ananta Prasad Timalsina - (Production Manager)
Age Now 54
Andy Fickman - (Director)
Anirudh Wankar - (Singer)
Age Now 20
Anish Mangesh - (Child Artist)
Age Now 33
Anum Fayyaz - (TV-Actress)
Age Now 45
Anup Shukla - (Movie Actor)
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