Jeevan Nagar is a Pakistani-based television series presented in Urdu. It was initially released on 10 July 2023, on Green Entertainment. It was written and directed by Awais Ahmed and Kashif Nisar Kashif Nisar was born in the place Quetta, which i >> Read More... , respectively. It is a drama along with comedy and thriller elements. Sohail Ahmed Sohail Ahmed is a Pakistani comedian and a TV acto >> Read More... and Rabia But are featured as the lead characters. The story features a fictional town named Jeevan Nagar, which is filled with colorful and fun characters. A man named Babbar Shah helps and saves the townspeople from multiple issues.
Babbar Shah is portrayed as the only hope for the people of Jeevan Nagar. The serial also captures specific social problems, such as Gender stereotypes, class division, and partiality, intellectually. The show also has good comedy as the actor playing Babbar Shah is considered to be the best comedian in Pakistan (Sohail Ahmed). Some of the other actors in the drama are Amna Malik Amna Malik is a Pakistani actress known primarily >> Read More... , Saqib Sumeer Saqib Sumeer is a famous Pakistani film actor, dra >> Read More... , Syed Atif, Usman Chaudhry, and Kashif Mehmood Kashif Mehmood is a prominent Pakistani actor and >> Read More... .Â