Urdu Tv Serial Mann Mayal

Man Mayal Hindi TV SHOWS on HUM TV
3.80 / 5.00
3.41 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Mann Mayal is a romantic drama serial from Pakistan that aired on Hum TV from January 25, 2016, to September 5, 2016. The director of the show Haseeb Hassan Haseeb Hasan was born on January 8, 1977, and is a >> Read More... and written by Samira Fazal Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The numbers of episodes are longer than usual TV series i.e. of 33 episodes. The episodes have an opening theme called "Tere Naal Mein Laiyan" produced by the help of Mad Music. The show resulted in mixed reviews, with both fun and unnecessary appearances of many characters and plot get somewhat muddled but the series does its job of keeping the common themes in order.

The show is produced by MD Productions. The show starts in Hyderabad where Manahil, "Mannu", is anxious about her result in the examination and goes to her best friend Rabiya, "Biya", and then they visit Hazrat Shah Molana Muhammad Ruknuddin Naqshbandi tomb for the blessing on her result. Next day Rabiya found that see got an A grade but Manahil is still afraid to check for the result. Salahuddin (Rabiya's brother) who also tutors her, asked Rabiya to check her result only to find that Manahil has failed; on hearing the news she became very upset and ran to her house and locks herself. Her father says, he will ask Salahuddin to tutor her to which she replies that he is strict.

But, he agrees to teach her despite his tight schedule. Later, it became apparent that he is secretly in love with her but is afraid that their family will never accept it due to social differences. The story from then on continues to revolve those two characters Manahil and Salahuddin. The story continues as Manahil marries to the Mikael, who later turned out to be an abusive husband and Salahuddin left for Karachi to work at his friends’ place that has a firm.

Here the story has the twist: his friend’s father is dying of cancer, strangely, on looking at Salahuddin’s conditions, signed his will for him. Now fast forward, Salahuddin has become wealthy, whereas, his former love Manahil is still struggling with her husband along with  her children. When he finds out about that, he feels very sorry and decides to have her back anyhow. So this becomes this the new sub-plot which continues for a while, where he proves he still love her and get divorced. When everything is supposed to go right when Jeena, Salahuddin’s colleague, who was also in love with him, wishes to separate them and so it goes.


Noman Ijaz Urdu Movie Actor
DOB: 14 February 1965
Noman Ijaz
Nadia Afgan Urdu TV-Actress
DOB: 9 July 1970
Nadia Afgan
Nadia Hussain Urdu TV-Actress
DOB: 11 January 1979
Nadia Hussain
Ainy Jaffri Urdu Model
DOB: 9 June 1981
Ainy Jaffri
Saba Hameed Urdu TV-Actress
DOB: 21 June 1957
Saba Hameed