YuvaS poorthi Mantram is a religious and spiritual program that runs on the ETV Life Channel of the ETV Network. The show is a spiritual show that aims to educate and create awareness among its viewers. The show is aired on a weekly basis on Tuesdays in the early morning at 6 am. The show was created in association with the Ram Krishna Mission. Ram Krishna Mission is a religious organization based on various Hindu principles. The organization was founded by Swami Vivekananda, a revered monk, and religious leader.
The organization is active in doing charitable and philanthropic work to help the needy and the poor. They also run various programs for society to educate them as to how to be an ideal human being. The show is focused on the young people watching television. The show features various leaders and teachers from the Ramakrishna Mission. Each episode features a different member and is based on a different topic. The primary focus of the show is to create and deliver motivational talks to the viewers, especially the youth.
It is widely believed that the earlyyears are the most formative one of anyone’s life. The lessons and the values that you pick up during these years create the path for your future. The actions that you take during your youth have an impact throughout their life. As a result, the show was developed keeping in mind the same principle. The leaders and teachers from Ramakrishna Mission appear on every episode talking to the youth. The topics that they talk about cover almost all aspects of the modern life.
Every aspect of human nature is touched, and the teachers talk about controlling them. The youth are often clueless about their life, and the leaders offer them guidance. Through their talks, the leaders try to instil various values and morals in the viewers so as to help them be a better human being. Despite the name, the show can be watched by anyone who feels helpless or is looking for guidance. After watching the leaders talk, one would feel better about themselves. The show is inspiring and uplifting and will surely help a lot of people to live their lives in a better way.