Vasthu Vinganam is a Tamil show which airs on Captain TV. It is a news show which advises you on how to buy your next house or property. The has a runtime of twenty minutes. Each episode focuses on one single house. During the episode, the host talks about the regular features of the house, which any salesman think is his duty to make you aware of.
The host starts by talking about the various decent houses which are available to buy right now in Chennai. He then informs us about the prices and whether it will be a good investment or not. At last, he visits the house and starts inspecting it. He starts by describing the location of the house and the things available near it. A good neighbourhood is necessary for a good upbringing.
When he enters the house he starts talking in a spiritual language. He takes out his measuring tape and starts measuring the length of the doors and the windows. He points towards the direction of the sun and tells you whether this house will bring good luck or not. He then talks about the location of the windows and doors. How many doors are needed in a house to have prosperity?
He answers all such questions. He is supported by the owner of the house who explains the reason behind his purchase and the selling of the house. The north side of the house is important. If it is not facing the sun then the house will bring you bad luck. Gods won't be happy with you and your life will turn miserable. There are many people who believe in such things and it is no wonder that the show is still on air.
People who believe in such superstitions contribute more than eighty percent towards the GDP, and hence there is no reason to judge anybody. The host measures the area of the house and tells how the number is significant. He gets this information from numerology. The show airs early morning and hence the viewership is not that great as one would imagine. Most people who want to buy a house will only view the show. The host shows no sign of emotion which will make it very boring for the average viewer.
Another version
Vasthu Vinganam is an entertainment program aired on Captain TV, an Indian TV Tamil channel. It is a news show broadcast for a period of twenty minutes. It starts with the host explaining to the viewers the benefits of buying a particular plot or a house. The main idea is to guide the audience so that they buy their dream house with no compromises and that they get to enjoy all the fruits of their hard work.
The episode begins the host welcoming the viewers with joined hands. Then he boils down to the main topic. As he has to cover a vast subject in a short period, he starts directly with not much introduction. He gives a little brief about the single house that he handles at a time. Then he puts his hands in the different features of it, like the square feet area, affordability, proper placement of the doors, windows, kitchen, bedroom, living room, washroom and toilet. Then he explains the topic with an astrological viewpoint. During this process, the owner of the house is also present at the spot. His presence is also very necessary because he explains why he bought this house and that also elaborates the reasons for selling it. The host has a particular style in which he takes the show forward.
He enters the house and takes out a measuring tape. He measures the length and height of different parts of the house, like the doors and windows. Then he explains if the location of the doors and windows is at a proper position. If not, he explains the reasons as to how the position of these affects the prosperity of the house and how it is beneficial to the people living between the four walls. He also elaborates how many windows or doors should be present in the house so that the people benefit joy and gain wealth. Not only doors and windows, but also the area of the house affects the environment. He measures the square feet of area and tells how this number is meaningful. He refers to numerology while doing this. He answers many questions and also elaborates on how important the north side of the house is to bring abundance and well being. He points towards the direction of the sun and tells its importance.
He also tells that if the house is not facing the north then it will be unlucky for the people living in it. They will not get the blessing of the God and that their life will be afflicted. Carried out very nicely and smoothly, the placement of the program is early in the morning. The viewership is not so appreciative. This show is viewed only by people who are thinking about buying a house or are not happy with the house they bought and are curious to know as to why the house they bought is not satisfactory and lucky for them. The people who watch this show are few and usually those who believe in superstition, numerology, and astrology. It can be because of the dry and straight style of the show. The host shows no emotion while narrating making it dull for a typical viewer.