Vanna Chittukal is a TV show specially dedicated for small children. Telecast on IBC Tamil Television, it airs specially during the Christmas period. The set is designed with a Christmas tree, balls, jingle bells to give an environment full of merriness. The host is friendly and sweet towards the children. The first episode started with the introduction of eleven little children. T
he host asked them simple question like “ How did you come here?”, “ With whom do you live with?”, “Do you like your mom more than your dad?” and it was interesting to see them answering innocently and honestly. The host appreciated them, cheered them and made them comfortable. When questioned about who they liked more, mom or dad, they started thinking, and some had cute answers like “I don’t know.” When asked about their hobbies, some said, they liked dancing and singing while others too had various interesting hobbies like writing, swimming, drawing, etc. These multi-talented children undertaking so many interests is something very exciting. This episode ended with a small skit performed by the kids based on the story, Birth of Jesus Christ. It explored the acting skills of the children. In the next episode, small games were played. Some toys are placed in a big Santa Claus sock, and the open end is closed. Children were given a task to guess the contents of the by feeling it. Some estimated it to contain bubbles, hard and soft balls, spoon, teddy bear, and many more guesses.
This game tested their mental ability of sensing and touch. They played another game where the host became a lie detector. Children gave her three statements out of which one was a lie. She had to guess right. It was a very easy game. The excitement was high, and they got a winner too. The show moved forward with some Christmas songs sung by the children. They sang duets and singles. It ended with a surprise visit from the Santa. He brought gifts for the children. He asked them what they wanted and later danced with them. This program targeted small children. It had a good concept but was unsuccessful in attracting viewership due to its poor content. It could have been more exciting with lot more games.