Super Star Challenge 2014, a captivating TV program aired on Vasantham channel, brings together talented contestants from India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, and Canada to showcase their singing prowess and compete for the coveted title. This international competition serves as a platform for Tamil singers to gain recognition on a global stage. The judges present are Arundathi Sreeranganathan, Mohan Raj Mohan Raj is an Indian news presenter, and his hom >> Read More... , Ragunathan. There are two hosts who act as a medium between the viewers and the show. The competition in its second round, intensifies as eliminations loom. Contestants are vying for spots in the final round, knowing that their performances could make or break their journey in the contest.
Each episode's music will have a theme or pattern. In a week the spotlight is on the musical compositions of A.R. Rahman, described as a trend setter in Tamil music. Other episodes featured songs by other renowned composers like Ilaiyaraaja, showcasing the rich diversity of Tamil film music. The competition is strategically designed to prepare contestants for a grand international event in Singapore. This upcoming challenge will pit the chosen finalists against talented singers from India, Canada, Singapore, and Malaysia, elevating the stakes and prestige of the contest. After each performance, a panel of judges provides constructive feedback to the contestants. They comment on various aspects of the performances, including vocal control, stage presence, and the ability to hit challenging high notes. This feedback is crucial for the contestants' growth and improvement throughout the competition. One of the show's highlights is its role in promoting Tamil music and artists on an international platform.
The organizers and participants alike recognize the significance of this opportunity to showcase Tamil musical talent to a global audience. Thivethini is a contestant in the show who in one episode chooses an open voice song. Like this each contestant has to think and consider what they’ll be singing and how much it’ll add to their performances. A wide variety of music is sung by the contestants, ranging from difficult to easy. As the competition progresses, the question on everyone's mind is who will advance to the international round in Singapore. With only two spots available for the final international competition, the pressure on the contestants is palpable, adding to the show's drama and appeal. Super Star Challenge 2014 not only entertains but also serves as a cultural bridge, bringing together Tamil music enthusiasts and talented singers from various countries, all united by their passion for music and the dream of achieving international recognition.