Nenju Porukkuthillaiye is a Tamil television series. The series is formatted as a reality talk show. The telecasting of this show takes place on the popular Tamil channel of Kalaignar TV. The host of the show who stands to anchor each talk and mediating the debates is John Dhanraj John Dhanraj is an Indian television host born in >> Read More... . The show went on for about fifty episodes dealing with fifty different issues. Each episode was made to run for about an hour of running time. The show began with its first episode on 4 August 2013.
The show stands as a mockup of the social show Satya Meva Jayate by focusing on their framework but with the concerns that are regarding the State of Tamil Nadu. This is an initiative to bring about change in the Indian society regarding issues which penetrate deep into the sociological and political aspects of our country. The format of the show brings new personalities concerning that day’s topic or subject. Each subject or topic picked up ranges from problems to issues that may come up in our society. The focus of the show is maintained by common people who struggle through various sets of taboos and societal drawbacks. The element of justice is served through this show as an alarming portrayal of the situations of our day to day lives.
The biggest and most popular cases discussed on the show were of the alarming rise in rape cases in the country, juvenile crimes, and political scams. A major issue of prison rehabilitation was also highlighted during one of the episodes. The show begins with the host delivering a speech on the recent whereabouts of the issue decided in the discussion of the day. It is followed by the entrance of certain guests who are personalities related with the topic of discussion. Then the analysis on social aspects is displayed to which the discussion is carried off.
At the end, people from the live audience are allowed to interact with the guests of the show or tell their own story regarding the issue of the day. The topic of domestic crimes which is on an uprise is highlighted broadly through different episodes. The second major point of discussion was the safety of children going to school. Farmers committing suicide, framed couple of episodes to attract a lot of attention. The fourth point of discussion was the safety of usage of ATMs. The most impactful and through discussion was on corruption and lobbying in the corporate world, and how it is driving the common household to strive for survival in the business environment.