Morning Cafe is a special breakfast program in Tamil broadcasted on PuthuYugam TV. This is one of a kind show crafted for women, especially housewives, who are mostly busy in the household chores. The hosts talk on topics concerning the female population and there are guest appearances to provide expert advice and suggestions.
As the name indicates, this is a morning talk show. Each episode of this show is based on very interesting segments designed keeping in the mind the skillset of women. At the start of every episode, the hosts organize yoga and exercise sessions for the viewers with the help of a professional trainer. The yoga and exercises taught by the expert are very simple and specially designed to suit women’s aesthetics. The hosts promote a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and yoga in this show. In some episodes, after the yoga session, the hosts set up a self-defense workshop with an acrobat expert to teach a few basic maneuvers so that the women can safeguard themselves in case of unexpected emergencies. Similarly, each episode has different kinds of activities organized for women, which they can do at their homes without the need to go out or call an expert home.
In every episode, there is a special appearance of Dr. Shwetha Rahul, who is a practicing dermatologist. She gives out important beauty tips that can be practiced while at home. She even discusses common health problems faced by women, how these problems should be addressed and prevented. After the doctor’s talk, there is the appearance of Aarti C Rajaratnam, a child psychologist. For every episode, she brings out a different aspect related to the upbringing of children and gives very valuable parenting pieces of advice on the same. With her extensive knowledge, she points out how mothers can make sure that their kids are properly raised and how they can attend the kids in different situations. Also, in specific episodes, there is the appearance of renowned writer Baskaran Krishnamurthy. He shares significant life lessons on how to live a happy and satisfying life, and how women can improvise on their personalities.
In short, this is one destination show for all the women, from hairstyling tips to essential life-saving hacks. It is packed with entertainment and knowledge. This show is very informative, and the main motive of this show is to help women be better versions of themselves.