Tamil Tv Show Kutties Kondattam

Kutties Kondattam Tamil TV SHOWS on PuthuYugam TV
3.50 / 5.00
3.17 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

 Kutties kondattam is an exciting program that brings out the talent of every budding kid through the Puthuyugam channel. This program is being aired during the weekends from 4:00 pm-5:00 pm. The host of this show is Pavithra. She is a very charming host and the most suitable host for this particular program. Velammal Knowledge Park sponsors this program. This program has an introduction song that excites all the kids. We can even say that it has a separate fan base among the children. The song starts with the line ‘Engal ulagil kavalaigal illai.’ This means that the world of children does not have any worries.

The host and the technicians go to various schools and educational institutions to entertain children with creative ideas. They make a stage-like structure with attractive backdrops that grab the attention of the kids. The host interacts with the children for some time, and later, the kids are allowed to show their skills. The program has showcased talents like singing, dancing, painting, storytelling and various other co-curricular activities.

The show is a must-watch one for both adults and the kids. The innocence of the children would be a great treat for eyes for the adults, and it would be an inspiring show for the kids to learn more from the kids of their age.


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