Koffee with Suchi was a celebrity chat show. Star Vijay aired the show every week on Saturday at 9:00 PM. It used to come for one hour. The show started in March 2006. The show was based on Koffee with Karan, hosted by Karan Johar Karan Johar is one among the top ten celebrities i >> Read More... , which was very famous Hindi talk show among the audience. Suchitra Ramadurai, an RJ, was the host for the show. She worked as an RJ in Radio Mirchi, previous to this show.
The show was very entertaining. In the show, every week two celebrities came, and the host asked them tricky and personal questions. It was very popular among the audience, be it old or young. The show was a type of platform where the audience were made able to know their stars better. The show had various segments:
On TV: In this segment, family member or friend of the celebrity guests shared their views about them. Rapid Fire: In this round, a type of competition was there among the guests. They were asked various questions in short time, and they had to answer them all. The one who gave the best answers was given a gift hamper by the host. Express Yourself: In every episode, a changed set of cards having pictures of other celebrities were placed. The guests had to choose one card and express their thoughts on it. Mirror Mirror on the wall: It was a type of magic. A mirror, known as Magic Mirror, was present on the wall. The guests could peek into it and know about their future. Controversy Corner: In this segment, the host used to ask a tricky question in an entertaining way. It was a troubled time for the celebrities. It was fun to watch them handling the situation carefully. Reel or Real: The filmmakers take the inspiration from real characters. In this segment, real characters were made to come on the set.
After that, real and reel characters used to chat amongst them. Nostalgic Moments: In this segment, a memory of the celebrities was refreshed by bringing a particular person or object related to that memory. After that, it was shared amongst the audience. In the first episode, yesteryears heartthrobs, Suresh, and Nadiya were present. The second episode saw Shreya, SS Music Helluva Girl, and L. Balaji, cricketer, as guests. Usha Uthup Song ‘Ramba Ho’ from the movie Armaan mesmerizes a >> Read More... and Balamuralikrishna made the third episode musical.
Singers Srinivas and Karthik made the fourth episode also musical. Udhayanidhi Stalin Udhayanidhi Stalin is considered to be a mammoth f >> Read More... and Santhanam, along with director Rajesh also came on the set of the show for promoting their film, Oru Kal Oru Kannadi. Dinesh Karthik Dinesh Karthik is a renowned Indian wicketkeeper - >> Read More... , cricketer, and Jyotsna Chinnappa, squash champion, also graced the show with their presence.
Jyotsna sucked her thumb in the show for the audience when Suchi insisted, and also revealed that she quit the habit of sucking thumb at an age of 18. Dinesh Karthik was made to speak to his girlfriend and propose her. The show was later replaced by Koffee with Anu, hosted by Anu Hassan. The show was very entertaining and engaging.