The show Dancing Super Stars was a dance reality television show that aired on Vijay tv. Dancing SuperStars is a unique show that was created by the channel. Unlike other dance reality shows that only accept ten to twenty participants, the show had a total of 48 teams. These 48 teams were chosen after auditions. There were some of the most popular Indian dancing teams participating in the show. The show started on 17 November 2019. It was aired once a week and ran for a total of 16 episodes. The Grand finale of the show was aired on 1st March 2020. The show was hosted by Rio Raj VJ Rio Raj is an anchor, who is associated with Su >> Read More... and VJ Andrews. It was judged by Sandy Master, Alya Manasa Alya Manasa is a young and popular television actr >> Read More... , Sunita Gogoi Sunita Gogoi is an actress and a dancer. She is be >> Read More... , Mahat Raghavendra Mahat Raghavendra is a Tamil actor born on 18 Febr >> Read More... , and Dhivyadharshini Neelakandan. The hosts, with their comic timings and witty comments, made the show funny and extra entertaining. Each week, out of 48 contestants 6 of them performed on several dance forms. They had to go through several performances and had to compete in many competitions. Some of them were hip hop round, contemporary round, lyrical round, Solo round, Group formation, Filmy individual rounds, etc. after that, some finalists were chosen after the elimination of a few contestants.
Classical, classical fusion, Folk round were a few rounds that were used to select the top five contestants to battle for the final trophy. These top five finalists were E Grade, Jill Jung Juck, Garima Karthik, SJSwalaja, and O2 Dance Team. In the final episode, comedian Robo Shankar Robo Shankar is an upcoming comedian artiste in th >> Read More... and actress Radha were there to grace the last episode with their presence. In the final episode, judges and hosts were also performed on some songs. In the final episode, they also celebrated the baby shower of Alya Manasa. Her husband, Sanjeev was also there to celebrate the function. Her parents were also present to celebrate it. In the finals, SJ Swalaja won the title of Dancing Super Stars. They won a trophy and 25 lakh of cash prize. The show is also available to watch on their online app Disney+Hotstar.Â