Attagasam is a celebrity based reality game show which came on the channel Zee Tamil. The series is a Tamil language one which came on between every Monday and Friday. The program featured celebrities from various walks of life who played different games in an attempt to win the grand prize. This all new game show has a very interesting concept which is quite different from conventional shows. It introduces a fresh new dimension when it comes to celebrity based programming. Various popular names from the Tamil television industry get invited to play.
Each new episode features a new set of stars who got a certain amount of money and with each successive game, they can either win more or lose what they have from that pool. The amount they take back home is thus completely dependent on their performance over the course of the game. Attagasam’s format got designed keeping the entertainment value in mind. The tasks and games involved are also simple yet fun and hence provide wholesome family entertainment. All the activities are fun-filled and ensure that the viewers got kept engaged throughout the entire thing. It features four different rounds which have various fun skill based activities. But before embarking on these, they are each given a pool of Rs. 5 Lakhs. They then proceed to these entertaining rounds from where they then gain or lose the initial fund they had got provided.Â
The show presents lots of fun elements along with some special performances from the guests on the show. It becomes a showcase for their talent and charisma. The program got hosted by the renowned Mano, who is a very popular singer and has lent his voice to numerous songs in the South-Indian film and television industries. His talents are quite diverse with over twenty-two thousand songs in more than sixteen different languages. All of this got achieved within the relatively short span of twenty-five years.
He has gotten the opportunity to star in over two-hundred-fifty stage-plays as well as participated in more than three- thousand stage programs as well as musical nights. Alongside singing, Mano is also among one of the most sought after voice over artists. He has rendered his melodious voice for many leading actors including the likes of the Superstar Rajnikant. He is the proud recipient of many awards such as the Nandi Awards which got granted to him by the Andhra Pradesh Government, and the Kalaimamani award on behalf of Tamil Nadu Government.