It was a reality show that was hosted by Star Vijay Channel. The show was telecast for 45 days. The show had the exciting adventure of the participants. The participants had to face adverse conditions to achieve winner in the game. The season-1 winner was V Pooja. She got a car as a surprise prize. One still does not know whether the show had any resemblance to a similar reality show ( Fear Factor Fear Factor is a US game show which was based on d >> Read More... ) which had focused on a real adventure story. The show was a big treat for eyes. Multiple adventure and enthusiasm of the participants led to the success of the show. It was the original, challenging show that meant for Tamil audiences. The show makes the competitors face each other in a variety of performances for a grand award!
Another version of this serial...
This is a reality and thriller show which will be aired on Vijay television. The contestants of the show are seven small screen actresses and this show reveals the bravery of women’s and shows their spirit to play in real. These ladies will face their problems in reality and how they are haunting their fear and winning is the complete game is about. This shows official partner was Tata Docomo. There were three seasons in this successful show. The first season have the following contestants: Aarthi, Sandra, Kutty Pooja Kutty Pooja is a familiar face to those who watch >> Read More... , Santoshi, singer Ujjanini and VJ Pooja Bio coming soon... >> Read More... who were bravely played in this show and finally won by Pooja and the second seasons title winner is Mahalakshmi.
The show has many games which may vary from season to season to make them thrilling and they are cold ice blocks, glowing fires, slinking reptiles, scary rats, to stand in heights, to ride a cycle in uneven road with heights and lows, to rise up the hill, etc. These women have went for special training combined with Tamil Nadu Police and this helps them lot to tackle all the barriers and makes them both mentally and physically healthy and strong. The winner has won the title with cash awards and is being telecasted on Friday and Saturday at 9pm.