Aaha Enna Rusi is a Tamil television show which was broadcast on Sun TV. This show is a cooking based show hosted by the late chef Jacob Sahaya Kumar Aruni. This show had been aired between the years 2011 and 2013 at 1 pm on every Sunday. The duration of the show was half an hour till 1.30 pm.
As like in any cooking show, this show shows the host cooking some delicious dishes and giving a detailed description of the procedure. This show is quite different from other cooking shows, and the uniqueness of this show is the host of this show chef Jacob not just cooks in a kitchen environment, but travels to different picturesque places and explains us some exotic cooking recipes. Chef Jacob makes any location as his kitchen, like for example an abandoned area or a beach or a coconut tree top or else a road; he also cooked on a boat, in the middle of a lake and much more weird places one would have never thought about. Along with making dishes he also mentions a few details about the place and its speciality. He gives some brief content about the goodness and nutrition values of what he cooks. He makes some connection with the place he chose and also the dish he is going to cook. In this show, he interacts with children and people and tells them about different culinary things. He teaches kids how to cook and aspire themselves to be good cooks in future. He also takes some audio-visuals of people in their home kitchen and other restaurants giving the audience a snapshot of various culinary traditions and much more.
This show had a huge fan following and the main reason for it is Chef Jacob. Jacob Aruni is an Indian celebrity chef who has been well applauded for his exotic south Indian cuisines. He had been a visiting chef as well as a consultant chef in some of the well-renowned restaurants in India and foreign countries. He was also a food historian and promoted South Indian delicacies all over the world. He created a Guinness world record for the longest individual cooking marathon on a barbeque for 24 hours and 5 min continuously. He was honoured with the best young chef instructor award during the years 2005 and 2007 by Indian Federation of Culinary Associations. He also owned a restaurant by name ‘Jacob’s kitchen’ located in Chennai, with which he created some of the best dishes with South Indian flavours.