Vellithirai is a news series telecasted in Raj TV at 5.30 PM on weekdays. It features the various hot events and sizzling happenings in the silver screen. Following the sequential display of general news series, Vellithirai begins with headlines which features the very recent and important Kollywood news. It bears the answers to various unrelenting questions in the hearts of ardent Tamil cine fans. Following the headlines, each one of them is featured as a segment with relevant visuals, movie clips and interviews of the glamorous and capable actors and actresses of Tamil stardom. Next segment is called
Andha Naal Nyabagam
which brings back the golden memories of Black and white period. This segment gives valuable and long forgotten interesting information about legends of Classic Tamil cinema. It is followed by Pirantha Naal Vaazhthu and wishes the famous cine personalities who celebrate their birthday on that day. The last segment is called Iru Vari Seidhigal, which means two liners. It says the latest gossips and confirmed information’s in a short, sweet and crisp manner. Presented by small screen actress Devikrupa in an elegant and graceful manner, this Kollywood news series is directed by G.Balan. This is one of the frequently sought gossip corner of Tamil cinema world.