Mr. Brain is a Tamil comedy serial aired by Sun Television Network in the year 2013 which was created by the legendary Y. Gee. Mahendran , the son of Y. Gee. Parthasarathy and the co-brother of Super star Mr. RajiniKanth.
Mahendran has acted in a numerous film and donned a large number of stage shows and his comedy sense is very popular all over Tamil Nadu. Mr. Brain is one of the popular series of his creations. The story revolves around three friends – Kalki, Ravi and Nagarajan. Kalki, he acted as a lawyer and earned the wrath of many corrupted and rich people. This causes the trouble among three friends illustrated in a very hilarious mode. During the course of this Time, Mahendran develops a liking of an arrogant rich girl as well.
The story was written by
Vietnam Veedu Sundaram
and Ramanan composed the music. The cast includes Mahendran,
Typist Gopu
, Kumari Chachu, Junior Balaiya. While Cho. Ramaswamy made a special appearance in the show.
How did the friends happily join together and whether Mahendran got married to his love lady was shown in a comic mode and the feel good was present all over the serial and liked by many of the kids as well. Why not so? as it is very hilarious.