Surya Challenge is a celebrity-based game show which airs on the channel Surya TV. It is a Malayalam language show which gets broadcasted every Sunday at 9:00 PM. The game gets played amidst renowned celebrities from the television and film industry. The duo of Pujitha Menon and Shruthi Menon got chosen to anchor this game show. Each episode sees ten new famous personalities who play the game and try to win the grand prize. Each episode lasts for one hour and has four rounds.
Apart from the celebrities, there are extra characters also for comic relief. The entire show has entertaining games which make people take part in crazy antics. All of this makes for a fun filled ride across thirty-six different games played throughout the series. The production of the show is grandiose with huge backdrops. The expenditure and style of the set make it among one of the most stylish ones on Indian television. The quality got maintained to the highest standards imaginable.
The show aims to be a complete family entertainer. It provides an altogether different experience to the viewers who venture on a very enjoyable journey. The series promises to be quite unique and exhilarating. It offers a break from the daily soap operas and extends offering beyond the mere offerings of drama serials. It hopes to re-establish the family entertainment genre of shows which gets enjoyed by everyone irrespective of their age group. This includes increasing the time one spends in family bonding. The games got designed to avoid complications in understanding but prove to be challenging to play and complete. This adds a dose of laughter along the way as people witness well-known celebrities fumbling around trying to complete the tasks at hand.
The participants also don’t shy away from shedding their inhibitions and doing odd tasks on national television. Their odd antics add to the joy and delight of the show. This also breaks the barrier which their typical TV personas create in the audience’s mind and they can present themselves as who they truly are. Surya Challenge is among the first of its kind of shows in Kerala. The Malayalam television industry has rarely seen a show which got created to this scale and with so many big names together under one roof. The show is among Surya TV’s more ambitious productions and aims to target a mass market audience and get the entire family close to one another.