Celebrity Kitchen Magic is an evolving Malayalam cookery show. The reality show is telecasted on Kairali TV. The show is hosted by Lekshmi Nair Lekshmi Nair is an anchor, newsreader, and chef fr >> Read More... . She is a celebrity chef and a business woman. She hosted and conducted many cookery shows and cookery competitions like ‘ Magic Oven Magic Oven is a cooking based show in the Malayala >> Read More... ’, ‘Flavors of India’, ‘Flavors of Malaysia’ ‘Pachakarani’ and much more. In celebrity kitchen magic tv actors displayed their culinary skills and comestible food items. They showed the innovative and creative way of cooking. Also, the preparation of food and the competition were hygienic and healthy. The show was judged by chef Lekshmi Nair. Celebrity Kitchen Magic had various rounds.
Few of the rounds are biriyani round, family round, pudding round, cake round, etc. The family round mainly focuses on the dishes which can be prepared and consumed as a family. Some of the recipes of the family round are beetroot bhaji recipes, whole wheat appam recipes, moong dal payasam, semiya kesari recipes, mushroom pepper fry recipe, veg bonda recipe, atta dosa recipe, urad dal ladoo recipe, dosa and dosa varieties, various kinds of idlies and much more. In the biriyani round, the contestants are asked to prepare various types of biriyani found all over the globe. The most loved, decorated and innovatively prepared contestants get selected for the next round. Usually, the show organises four levels of biriyani round. A participant has to pass all the levels to get into the final. This round also includes the most famous chicken round where the participants are asked to prepare various biriyani and dishes using chicken.
The biriyanis prepared in the show are kozhikondan chicken biriyani, Malabar chicken biriyani, thalassery biriyani, bhatkali/ navayathi biriyani, Kalyani biriyan, etc. Among these biriyanis, the participants tried their experiments to come up with different dishes with unique names. The pudding round and cake round involved the preparation of different kinds of puddings and cakes. The criteria that were taken to judge these rounds were the shape, size, taste, decoration, ease of preparing, cleanliness and the time taken to prepare.
These rounds were organised keeping the children in the mind. The dishes that can be prepared at home easily than going out and buying so expensive cakes and puddings. This also focused on the family happiness and get together. There were various seasons. The first season winner was Dr Avaneesh. The second season was hosted by Lekshmi Nair and actor Krishna. The winners of the second season were Nisha Sarang Nisha Sarangh is an Indian Film and Television Act >> Read More... and Anila Sreekumar Anila Sreekumar is a Malayalam actress and serial >> Read More... . They won three lakh rupees. The second prize went to Dimple Rose Dimple Rose is a popular actress in the Malayalam >> Read More... and Charutha Baiju Charutha Baiju is a Malayalam film actress who is >> Read More... (Rs. 2 lakhs). The third prize was grabbed by Anjana Appu Kuttan (Rs. 3 lakhs). The third season winner was Reshmi Menon Reshmi Menon is a promising Indian actress hailing >> Read More... who carried back home a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh from cubix. The season four winner were Sajna Sulaiman (Rs. 1 lakh), Abhilash (Rs. 50000) and Nasiya Aisha (Rs. 25000).