In India, the medical genre of shows, revolving around the lives and aspirations of doctors and their patients, is relatively unexplored as of now. In the early 2000s, shows like ‘ Dhadkan Click to look into! >> Read More... ’, ‘Sanjivani: A Medical Boon’, ‘Ayushmann’ etc. used to enlighten the Indian audience once, but the unfortunate rise of over the top melodramatic serials nipped these classics in the bud. However, it seems that the regional television hasn’t lost the innovative and creative touch. This is evident in the latest Malayalam television classic, ‘Punarjani’, a medical drama.
An apparent adaptation of the famous Star Plus classic, ‘Sanjivani: A Medical Boon’, this show is quite a rage in the Malayalam TV circle. Airing on Malayalam TV Channel Surya TV is the magnum opus, ‘Punarjani’, a medical drama, revolving around a hospital and four of its doctors. Having begun on 22nd of June 2015, with over 250 episodes, and counting, this show is a huge success, currently airing in prime time slots from Monday to Friday, at 8:00 p.m. The show is about a hospital and its four interned doctors, Pooja, Akshay, Meera and Mahesh, who are not only medically, but also emotionally involved with their patients, at the hospital, who work under the auspices of Dr. Aashalatha. They do their best to make the patients comfortable at the hospital.
Extremely dedicated to their profession, these doctors also don’t give up their fight against the rampant corruption in the society, which extends even to a profession as sacred as the medical profession. In the 21st century India, where corruption exists even in the lowest rungs of the societal institution, this show is an eye opener. The fight that the four doctors of the hospital take up against the medical corruption is something that has a pan-India appeal. The show might be in Malayalam but has a pan-India approach, given the show’s fight against the corruption prevalent in the society, including the medical sector.
This show stars the crème de la crème of Malayalam television and cinema, which included Amrutha, who is well known for her shows like ‘ Autograph AUTOGRAPH (FIVE FINGERS) is a serial that revolves >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Vadhu Vadhu is a new entrant in the daily drama soap fam >> Read More... ,’ ‘Pasutarre’ among others. Also starring in the serial is famous Malayalam actor Shiju Rasheed, well known for his films like ‘Mahaprabhu, ‘Manasantha Nuve,’ ‘ Sidhartha Click to look into! >> Read More... ,’ ‘Vachalam’ among others. Also starring in the show, as Dr. Aashalatha, is Sona Nair Sona Nair is a cine actress working mainly in Mala >> Read More... , a Malayalam actress famous for her films like ‘Kadhanayakan’, ‘ Passenger Click to look into! >> Read More... ’, ‘ Manassinakkare Manassinakkare is a TV show in the Malayalam langu >> Read More... ’ among others, along with actor Sadiq, among others.