Kaatukurangu is a TV serial aired on Amrita TV, based on the famous novel by the same name “Kaatukurangu” written by the famous and talented writer K. Surendran. The remaking of the novel into a movie in 1969 was a great hit. Made by P. Bhaskaran, it was a huge success on the silver screen. This serial is telecast for four days, that is from Monday to Thursday at 8:30 pm and is presented by Souparnika creations.
Riza Bawa is the lead actress while Yadukrishnan and Swapna Treasa Swapna Treasa Edakkattukudiyil aka Swapna Treasa i >> Read More... are the side actors. It started on August 11 2014 and is of the type family drama genre. Kaatukurangu means “Wild monkey” and the story is based on the extra-marital affair and its consequences and results. It is a story based on the sorrows of women when they realize that their husbands are cheating on them, they are betraying them. It is one of the most popular serials that touches a very sensitive topic. Prabhakaran who is an editor at a newspaper, and his wife Minikutty are living a happy life with their children.
Their life takes a turn when a singer while singing a song dies in their house taking a promise from them to enrol his daughter Ambili in a music academy. He brings her and her mother, Kamalam to his house. Her mesmerizing voice lets an infatuation in Prabhakaran. His wife knowing this keeps silent to avoid any unbalance in the family.
Ambili later completes her studies and the son in law of the co-editor of Prabhakaran's newspaper falls in love with her. He is a play-wright and an actor. He convinces to make her a playback singer and takes her to Chennai. His wife Thulasi tries stopping him but fails. Also Prabhakaran and his wife warn them about the danger of this glamorous world, but they are firm on their decision. Her life changes as she faces difficult situations. Prabhakaran brings her back home and preceding Minikutty attempts suicide but fails. The story continues with each one adjusting to the complex tangled relations.
This serial has a very challenging storyline based on a fresh topic. Its target audience is people of all age groups, especially those women who are struggling with their relationships. It is an encouragement for the victims of an extra-marital affair. Women can be potential enough to stand up on her legs and parallel to men. It attracted many people because of its unique and realistic storyline. Each episode opens up layer by layer increasing the viewership of the serial.