Ivide Ellavarkkum Sukham is a comedy series which got aired on the channel Kairali TV. It got aired on every weekday between Monday and Friday in the half an hour time slot between 7:30 and 8:00 PM. The program premiered on Indian television screens on 6th October 2014. The show got produced by the house of PMI Entertainment Private Limited while the actual production got handled and operated by Kalady Jayan Kalady Jayan is a Malayalam serial actor and produ >> Read More... . It got helmed by the acclaimed director Unni Cheriyan who has handled similar ventures in the past. The rib-tickling and sharp script, as well as the story, got penned by none other than Unni Cheriyan himself.
The pace and narrative keep audiences glued to their seats and laughing the entire time. It complements the events playing out on our screens in a brilliant fashion. Some of the best actors in the Malayalam television industry are a part of the series. Their comic timing and impeccable expressions make the entire affair a laugh riot. We see the talented Anoop Shivasenan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... take up the role of Monichan, the versatile Parvathy portray the role of Philomina, while the lovely Anila Sreekumar Anila Sreekumar is a Malayalam actress and serial >> Read More... plays the role of Kattuparambil KochuThresya.
Supporting them in the series are other established actors like Baby Unnimay, who takes up the role of Sony, Karthika Kannan Karthika Kannan is a popular serial artist, who co >> Read More... , who plays the role of Alice, Santhosh Kurup Santhosh Kurup is a Malayalam Actor who works in t >> Read More... who portrays the role of Father Gabriel Vattapara, and Pradeep Prabhakar Pradeep Prabhakar is a popular Malayalam comedian. >> Read More... who takes up the role of K.K. Pathros. Kairali TV is a Malayalam language television channel which got headquartered in the city of Trivandrum in the South-Indian state of Kerala. It established studio facilities in both the cities of Trivandrum along with Kochi. The holding company of Kairali TV is the Malayalam Communications Limited, which got chaired by the fan favorite Malayalam cinema actor Mammootty. They appointed John Brittas John Brittas was born on 24 October 1966 in Kannur >> Read More... to take up the responsibilities of the Managing Director.
The channel looks at establishing itself by use of its style and creative content which captures the very culture, and aspirations of the everyday Malayalee. It boasts of being among one of the best informative as well as favorite viewer channels that at the same time engross, entertain, and educate the audiences. They look to create programs which are comparable to international standards when it comes to their creativity as well as production excellence. It today ranks as one of the most popular channels to get regularly viewed by the Malayalam language speaking audience.