Voice is the South Korean TV series that successfully crossed 4 seasons. The thriller genre series is created by OCN, Studio Dragon, and Choi Jin-Hee. Scripted by Ma Jin-won, the series was directed by Shin Yong-whee. Kim Hong-sun and Kim Sang-hoon directed season 1, Lee Seung-Yeong directed season 2, and Nam Ki-hoon directed Season 3. The first season started in January 2017. The first three seasons were aired on OCN. The fourth season started airing on TVN from 18th June 2021 on Fridays and Saturdays.
The fourth season, Voice 4, deals with murders by a person with a special ability. A person with an enhanced hearing ability murders people. To find out the serial killer, Kang Kwan Joo, another person with enhanced hearing ability, is engaged in this case. Detective Derek Jo gets suggestions from Kang Kwan Joo to solve this case. Derek Jo is from Los Angeles Police Department, who deals with big criminal gangs. How did they find the murderer? What is the motive behind the serial murders? The rest of the story deals with these. Â
Lee Ha-na plays the role of Kang Kwon-Joo, and Choi Myung-bin plays young Kang Kwon-Joo. Song Seung-Heon plays the role of Derek Jo, and Jung Hyeon-jun plays young Derek Jo. Lee Yi-dam, Lee Kyu-Hyung, Kang Seung-Yoon, Son Eun-Seo, Gil Hae-Yeon, Baek Sung-Hyun, Han Jong-hoon, Chae Won-bin, Jo Hyun-woo, Choi Ji-Yeon, Son Kyung-won, Kim Young-hoon, Kim Si-Eun, Shin-Soo-Hyun, Cha Se-young, Cho Jae-Ryong, and Jang Hang-Seon are in the supporting roles.