Kannada Tv Show Kala Nirnaya

Kala Nirnaya Kannada tv-serials on Kasthuri TV
3.80 / 5.00
3.65 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Kala Nirnaya is an astrological and spiritual show, that broadcasts on Janasri TV. The show features the famous astrologer- Jaya Srinivasan Jaya Srinivasan is a numerologist by profession. H >> Read More... . It is a half an hour show which is usually telecasted live. The texts of Hindu astrology talk about the 12 Rashis or zodiac signs which divide up an imaginary circular belt in various zones.

The Rashis are similar to the zodiac signs deemed in the western astrology. Each person has been assigned a Rashi according to his name, place, date and his time of birth. The texts also talks about the Nakshatras, which are the lunar mansions, the Grahas, which are the planets and Yogas or the planetary combinations and the lunar nodes which ascend and descend with time also known as Rahu and Ketu respectively. According to the Hindu astrology, factors like Rashi, Graha, Nakshatra, and Yoga affects a person’s well-being and his journey of life.

As a result, people often consult various astrologers before making any major decisions like marriages, buying a house, etc. Astrologers claim that they can predict the future. Jaya Srinivasan is a well-known astrologer and palm reader. Thousands of people flock to him in a hope to create a better future and predict the problems, prior to their occurrence. As an astrologer, Jaya Srinivasan uses a person’s Rashi and itscurrent planetary positions to predict his future. He also guides them on how they can avoid problems in their personal, social and professional life.

Apart from this he also talks about the art of astrology and palmistry. He covers a wide range of topics on astrology in each of his episode. He usually talks about how one can use astrology to make their lives better and provides with the basic guidelines that one should follow to keep it stable. Since the program is always broadcasted live, the show also allows it viewers to call and ask their problems. The calls are received and Srinivasan gives his advice according to what he predicts and provide solutions on how to tackle them.

The problems belong to every aspect of life – marriages, business, financial matters, future predictions, etc. Srinivasan’s exemplary skills allows him to answer their queries and provide them with solutions according to astrology and palmistry. The show is beneficial for the ones who believe in astrology and palmistry. Jaya Srinivasan, explains in detail about the various aspects of astrology and how it can affect their lives. He also expands his discussions upon various special events or occasions that have a huge astrological impact.



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