Anuraga is a soap opera show that airs on weekdays on Colors Kannada. The show started airing in 2016 and has aired more than 250 episodes. The show is a romantic soap opera that revolves around the love triangle between its three title characters – a boy and two girls. The story revolves around them as they try to confront their feelings and affection towards each other. Their love often leads them to acts that have disastrous consequences. The story is based on three young characters – Abhishek, Anjali, and Pallavi.
Abhishek comes from a small town in Karnataka with a huge passion for singing. It was always his dream to make it big in the music industry and in hopes of becoming a superstar, he tries out his luck. Meanwhile, Anjali and Pallavi are cousins of a rich family that owns a big music production company. All three of them pursue their life independently until one day when their lives intertwine. At the start of the show, they are strangers but all the three characters find themselves together and engage in a heated argument over an accident.
Anjali files a police complaint, but they later resolve their disputes and move on. It is during this ordeal that Anjali falls in love with Abhishek and his melodious voice. However, they move on with their separate paths. Sometime later, Pallavi meets with an accident and gets badly injured. She goes into a critical state at the hospital. Somehow, Abhishek gets involved in the matter, and the police treat him as a suspect. Pallavi’s father is angry at him. Pallavi does not getback her memory and assumes Abhishek to be her husband.
Pallavi’s father and Abhishek reach an agreement, and Abhishek agrees to live with them. Meanwhile, Abhishek pursues his music career and Anjali gets more attracted to him and eventually falls in love with him. Pallavi regains her consciousness, and through her interactions with Abhishek, she too falls in love with him. Anjali decides to sacrifice her love and let Pallavi marry Abhishek. He finds this shocking and starts to antagonize her. He enters marriage with Pallavi and treats Anjali badly. Pallavi realizes this and schemes to push Anjali away from Abhishek.
However, Abhishek is still in love with Anjali. Pallavi suffers from mental conditions, and she starts throwing tantrums to keep Abhishek to herself. Anjali and Abhishek finally confess, and Pallavi’s health worsens. The show tracks all of them as they try to find and marry their true love. It’s about Anjali and Abhishek and their desire to be with each other. Will Anjali and Abhishek overcome challenges to finally live together?