Amma is an Indian TV series in the language Kannada which is being broadcast on the channel Suvarna TV. This serial belongs to family drama genre with a mother sentiment. This serial is being telecast on Suvarna TV from 1st February 2016. This serial airs on this channel between Monday and Friday at 8:30 PM. Amma is an emotional drama series about a woman and her daughters. This show is being directed by Krishna and has been produced by Guna Sekhar under the banner Dhruv Media Craft. Amma is the story about a woman named Sukanya and her daughters. Sukanya has two daughters named Anusha and Shalini, who is her illegitimate child. Right at the time of her birth itself, Shalini has been separated from her mother. Time passes, and Shalini is taken care of by a lady named Susheela.
Anusha is married to Susheela’s son Naveen who introduces Shalini to Anusha. Naveen always treats Anusha as her sister and they share a brother-sister loving bond. Anusha is always possessive about her husband and her people and things, and she never likes Shalini getting closer towards them. She starts hating her and tortures her in some way or the other. Anusha is often instigated by her mother to stay away from Shalini, and she even manhandles her at times unknowing of the truth that Shalini is her daughter. Shalini, on the other hand, is a soft-hearted and sensitive person and always suffers all the tantrums from her family members. The rest of the tale is about how Sukanya comes to know about Shalini and how their lives unfold.
The story of this serial is shown in an excellent manner and has been woven with lots of emotions depicting the unconditional love of a daughter towards her mother. The show has succeeded in showing the relations between people in a perfect manner. The sets of this show make the audience feel that it is a part of their locality. This show is being a huge hit among the viewers especially women irrespective of their age groups. The role of Sukanya is played by the well know film actress Kausalya. Kausalya is a renowned film actress best known for her films in Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada films. She had won best actress Filmfare Award for her movie Pooveli, which is a Tamil film. The other cast of this show includes Sreeja, Shylu, and Kiran.