Unpaused is a Hindi-language anthology web series that consists of five episodes. This series aired on 18 December 2020 on Amazon Prime Video. It was directed by Raj & DK, Nitya Mehra Nitya Mehra is a female film director to make her >> Read More... , Nikkhil Advani Nikhil Advani is an Indian movie director, produce >> Read More... , and Avinash Arun. It was written by Raj & DK, Devika Bhagat Devika Bhagat is an Indian screenwriter and direct >> Read More... , Nitya Mehra, Reshu Nath Reshu Nath is a multi-talented screenplay writer, >> Read More... , Vidur Nauriyal Vidur Nauriyal is a Bollywood scriptwriter. He ear >> Read More... , Shubham, and Sanyukta Chawla Sheikh. It was produced by Raj & DK, Madhu Bhojwani Madhu Bhojwani is an Indian Producer who predomina >> Read More... and others. The star cast of the series is Gulshan Devaiah Gulshan earlier a theatre artist, now an Indian ac >> Read More... , Sumeet Vyas Sumeet Vyas is an upcoming actor currently living >> Read More... , Saiyami Kher       ‘Saiyami Kher’ was born in 1992, and s >> Read More... , Richa Chaddha, Abhishek Banerjee Abhishek Banerjee is a writer and actor in Indian >> Read More... , Ratna Pathak Shah, Ishwak Singh Ishwak Singh is an Indian actor. He was born in th >> Read More... , Geetika Vidya Ohlyan Geetika Vidya Ohlyan is an Indian film industry ac >> Read More... , etc.
It is a story about a couple, Akriti and Dippy, who are working from home after the pandemic covid 19. Turns comes in the story after she is laid off from her office due to cost-cutting measures. This situation takes place in their relationship, and problems are created. Another story is about a widow who lives alone, and she is a teacher. One day, a patient's relative calls and gives her a flashback of losing her son because of her. Sangeeta faces a situation where she's blamed for the crisis.Â
Another story is about a trio who have robbed a consignment of consumer goods. They kept it in a rundown factory for the second wave, and then they could sell their loot products. Another story is that Sushila Tripathi, who wants to meet her grandchild, lives in New Delhi. But her daughter stopped her due to COVID-19 as she said it was not safe right now to step out. This story shows that the old generation needs to learn more about smartphones or doing transactions on phones.Â