Jaunpur is an Indian Hindi-language drama series aired on the renowned OTT channel Watcho. The show’s storyline is inspired by actual life events featuring the protagonist, Babu Bhaiya. The story opens up in a jail where Babu Bhaiya serves his jail sentence. Things take a dark turn when he is suddenly attacked. From here onwards, the story goes into flashback as we see the past life of Babu Bhaiya, of Babu Bhaiya’s criminal time to this point. The story delves into Babu’s life, exposing that he entered in the world of crime to save his friend’s honour. In the process, babu’s family has to suffer and soon Babu faces Jaunpur Bahubali Girdhar Singh. Now, to take revenge from Girdhar Singh to avenge the trauma his family, Babu takes a bold step of taking revenge and soon becomes one of the most feared name.
It doesn’t take much time for Babu to rise the ladder, which threatens Girdhar Singh. In an unfortunate accident, Babu Bhaiya loses his close ones. Babu becomes convinced that Girdhar Singh is behind all this and so, he kills him in a rally. Babu now becomes the most wanted criminal in Uttar Pradesh. To hide from law Babu decides to shift to Mumbai. After shifting to Mumbai, Babu Bhaiya becomes friends with Anand Koli and marries his daughter. Due to a family emergency, Baba has to return to Jaunpur, where police are looking for him. After much running and evading, Babu is unsuccessful in tricking the police and gets arrested. Soon, Babu Bhaiya is transferred to Tihar Jail. His popularity goes double as his biopic hits the silver screen. Things take a dark tuen when Babu Bhaiya is killed in the jail, which shocks the entire country.