Sports Ka Superstar is a quiz show based on the knowledge and trivia of sporting events that tests each contestant through a variety of questions and challenges. It was created by quizmaster Siddhartha Basu’s Big Synergy Production Company and was aired on Doordarshan. More than 1 lakh hopefuls registered to be a part of this show. At the end, only 200 players or Khiladi were selected through a competition that was held nationwide in selected cities. Each player challenges their fellow competitors through quizzes based on the diverse world of sports for a chance to win prize money of Rs. 1 crore.
Altogether 26 episodes were produced and are hosted by well-known television anchor and actress, Mini Mathur Mini Mathur was born in Mumbai on 21st August 1974 >> Read More... . As Anita Basu of the production company has said, Sports ka Superstar will be the harbinger of the Commonwealth Games which will be held in Delhi from 3 October to October 14. It is a wonderful way to bring in the fever of the games to television. Around 6,089 athletes are expected to participate in around 272 events. Sports fans and quiz show fans both will enjoy watching it as it is the first sports-centered quiz show to be telecast in India.
At the end of each episode, the contestant with the lowest scores will be eliminated. A variety of questions have been based on all fields of sports including the history of Commonwealth Games. Along with the contestants, viewers can also test their knowledge of the games with numerous questions and amazing facts. Challenges, games, classic quiz rounds, rapid fire, are on offer for the viewers looking forward to this show. Contestants will go head to head to be the last person standing. At the conclusion of the show, one lucky Khiladi or player will take home the prize money of Rs. 1 crore.
The entire family will enjoy the show while gaining some valuable information and facts about sports. It is the best show to hone your quizzing skills while also enjoying the games at Commonwealth. The aim of this show is also to build a culture that expands beyond cricket and football. It is a way to encourage the people of India to take up other sports such as hockey, golf, wrestling and kabaddi. It also makes people aware of several Commonwealth qualifiers from India in fields such as archery and shooting. Sport is a unique platform to bring together people from around the world.