Yule Love Story was a Hindi drama based serial which was aired on Zee TV during 1993-95. The show was sponsored by Yule Tea Company and derived its name from there. In every episode, a new small story was played by different actors having the love element of youngsters and through this emotion, complex relationships in the life of a human being were displayed. In most of the stories, the lead pair was played by
Renuka Shahane
Ajinkya Deo
. Some other artists who also played roles in the show were
Mahesh Thakur
, Vinita Mallick and Ashalata. The show was produced by
Ravi Rai
Prajakti Deshmukh
for Film Shoppee. The episodes were conceptualized and directed by Ravi Rai. Stories were also written by Ravi Rrai. In the very first episode, a very sweet love story of Shivani and Rohit was displayed which made the serial an instant hit. Another episode was the love story of Aakash and Shruti. It was a simple boy meets girl story at the beginning but as soon as the story progresses, the story takes a turn to fight It turns into a fight of a Senior Police Officer and a local don with all masala elements included. The episode was specially like by the viewers and the roles played by Renuka and Ajinkya were highly praised.
The show was telecast on Zee TV in 55 episodes from 1993 to 1995.