Piya ka ghar Pyaara lage is a non-fiction reality show. This show revolves around two neighbours, who have the same nameplates outsides their houses as Mr H.L.Mehta. One of which is Mr Hansmukh Lal Mehta and who belonged to his native place Gujrat. And the other one is Mr Harvansh Lal Mehta and he came from Punjab. This show was converted from a comedy show named Hi! Padosi... Kaun Hai Doshi? to a drama serial because of the change in the concept of the script. This new version of comedy show is now a drama serial in which the son of Hansmukh and daughter of Harvansh love each other and they got married. After their marriage Harvansh daughter like to live in his hubby’s house but some family members of their families are against their marriage. This is story of this show after which they started doing regular works.
Main Roles:
Muni Jha is an Indian actor who played his role in various Television serials. He was known for his prominent role in the serial of Star Plus ‘
Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi
’ as Jamnadas Govardhan Virani.
Kader Khan
is an Indian film actor, Director, comedian and script writer for various Television Series. He was born on 22nd October 1935 in Kabul, Afghanistan.Â
Nilu Kohli is an Indian Actress of the year 2005. She was known for his role as Indu Bhatnagar in the film ‘Naa Bole Tum Naa Maine Kuch Kaha’.
Gulfam Khan
is an Indian television and film actor. She was born on 6th June in Mumbai. She played her role in Indian television and Bollywood Hindi cinema like Ek Haseena Thi, Gayab, and Mod.
The serial is directed And Narrated by Sunil Prasad,
Rajesh Gupta
, and Amitabh Singh and Kader Khan. The show was aired first time on January 24th 2011 till November 9th 2011 on Sahara One from Monday to Friday at 8 0’clock.