Milestone Stories is a Hindi television series that aired from 2014-2017. This series is different from all other serials, as every episode of the series varies from the previous episodes. The show does not have a continuous story. Each part has a different story writer. This series completely covers the happy and sad roles of different types of people with a different theme. That sometimes explains the past story of the writer, such as the story of Sanjeev. He says the tragedies and the situation of the country during his college life. That depicts all the revolutionary people always thinking about the welfare of the country. This story takes place suddenly after the Independence of India. He gave the name of his novel as Apradh. There are several writers like him, and they also address the specific name to their stories. Such as Lailo by Ramesh Upadiya, Hingwa Ghat Me Pani Re by C.K. Jaiswal, Curfew by Namita Singh, Bela Ekka Laut Rahi Hai by Arun Prakash Arun Prakash is a popular and talented actor who a >> Read More... , Bimar Aadhmi ka Ikrarnama by Narendra Nagadev, Shaapgrahst by Akhilesh, Kuch Bhi Nahin Dekha by Keshav, Jahaz by Satyen Kumar, Kalam Hua Hath by Balram and Hal by Pankaj Bisht.
The director cumproducer of the excellent outcome is Venugopal.K. Takker. They describe the condition of India during the period after independence. They also say the circumstances, thinking, and behavior of people during that time. They give various life requirements in each story. This series sometimes illustrates the worse theme. But certainly, it conveys a happy ending at the end. It is the different trial of the director as, for the first time, the serial has no continuous story. They don’t even have the same characters and actors. For each episode of the series, there are different actors, narratives, writers, roles, and morals. So, nothing is similar to this show.
Milestone stories depict the very olden India for our view. The show makes us think about the situation of people during that period. We are all praised for having a new generation, technology and living now compared to the past one. The name of the serial suits as it travels throughout India, facing different types of people. Here people are segregated based on their character, manhood qualities, and depending on how they enact themselves in the society during that half-civilized period.